How Is Iron Ore Processed into Pellets? - Sree Metaliks
How Is Iron Ore Processed into Pellets?

How Is Iron Ore Processed into Pellets?

Published Date: 01 September, 2023
Updated On: 07 June, 2024

Iron ore is a key raw material in the making of steel. When we delve deep into the

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manufacturing process, we realize that it’s not as simple as adding raw material and getting a finished product. Often times a raw material has to be processed into many forms so it can be optimally utilized. This is what is the reasoning behind converting iron ore into pellets in the process of steelmaking. Let’s understand more about these little but integral materials due to which steel making has reached its zenith.

What are Iron Ore Pellets?

The term Pellet means a small, rounded substance. Iron Ore Pellets are small balls of iron ores. These Pellets use the powder that is derived from extracting ore as a raw material. Iron Ore Pellets help in utilizing iron ore completely and reduce wastage of this finite resource. This alone makes pellet manufacturing in India a lucrative endeavor.

What Is the Utility of Iron Ore Pellets?

Pellets are used in the production of steel – the building block of modern structures. From high rises, apartments, hospitals, bridges, flyovers, and underpasses to homes, all these require steel, which is formed with the help of iron ore pellets.

What Is the Process of Manufacturing Iron Ore Pellets?

Pellets are formed using a method called Pellitizing. In this method, finely powdered grains of iron ore are converted into balls. These balls usually have a proportion (8mm to 20mm) that is strictly adhered to during the manufacturing process. These pellets are then used in the blast furnace and direct reduction methods of steel making.

These pellets also come in 2 major types – acid and basic pellets. A newer variant is the DRI (Direct Reduced Iron) pellets. These types also denote the quality of the pellets. The quality of pellets is often dependent on, amongst other factors, the quality of the iron ore.

Why Is There a Rising Demand for Iron Ore Pellets?

The demand for Iron Ore Pellets has been steadily rising in the last decade. The reasons for this are:

1. Iron ore reserves have been steadily declining. After all, iron ore is a finite natural resource. To combat this problem, manufacturers of steel looked for alternatives that ensured complete utilisation of the ore. Thus, the production of pellets gained momentum.
2. The other obvious reason for a higher demand of Iron Ore Pellets has been the rising demand for steel. Countries across the globe are aggressively moving towards growth – especially financial and economical growth. This has led to a demand for more spaces and infrastructure that predominantly utilise steel as a raw material.
3. Pellets have consistently displayed better performance and less wastage in the

production of steel. This improved performance in the process of steel making is a welcome change for manufacturers across the globe. This helps steel plants further accelerate production to keep up with the rising demand.

What Is the Production of Iron Ore Pellets in India Like?

Iron ore pellet manufacturing plants in India have been on the rise. This is to help meet the global demand for pellets. The Indian steel manufacturing industry has understood that pellets are integral to the steel manufacturing process and are focusing its budget, resource, and expertise on this key material. Of the many Iron Pellets manufacturers in India, Sree Metaliks Limited definitely stands out.

Founded in 1995, Sree Metaliks Limited has quickly scaled to a large enterprise that offers high- quality metals. This iron ore pellet manufacturer in India has its own manufacturing units in Keonjhar, Odisha. The team at Sree Metaliks Limited takes pride in their products. Each manufacturing vertical, be it Sponge Iron, Billets, Pig Iron, TMT Bars, or Pellets has a dedicated team of experts overseeing operations.

This leads to the final product being one of top-notch quality. This also includes the Pellets manufactured by the brand. Considered to be one of the best iron pellets manufacturers in India, Sree Metaliks Limited follows international protocol and utilizes top-quality iron ore to produce international standard pellets. Its Pellet manufacturing plant in India is equipped with global technology. With the best minds and resources working on iron ore pellets, Sree Metaliks

limited is definitely running the most efficient iron ore pellet plant in India. Head to Sree Metaliks Limited to invest in the best quality iron ore pellets.

Also Read:
Top 5 iron ore products in India
Applications of Iron Ore Pellets

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