Leading Sponge Iron Manufacturer and Supplier in India
Sree Metaliks Limited manufactures standard-quality sponge iron, with unmatched quality and grade consistency. With the use of advanced technology and strict quality control measures, top-grade sponge iron production is ensured. As one of the biggest and best sponge iron manufacturers in India, the company aims to become a dependable partner to peripheral industries with a comprehensive product mix.
Sponge iron is a metallic product manufactured through the direct reduction of iron ore in the solid state. It is a standby for scrap and is mainly used in making steel through the secondary route. The advantages it offers include enhanced iron content, reduced energy consumption in steelmaking, and improved environmental performance compared to traditional iron-making methods. It plays a critical role in the steel industry by providing a high-quality, customizable iron source for steelmaking, alloying, and reducing environmental impacts.