All About the Production of Sponge Iron – Sree Metaliks
All About The Production Of Sponge Iron

All About The Production Of Sponge Iron

Published Date: 10 October, 2023
Updated On: 07 June, 2024

We are all familiar with the terms Iron and Steel, but if someone were to ask you about Billets, Pellets, or even Sponge Iron you would need to think about it. It’s interesting to note that all these are products and by-products of the raw material – Iron Ore. Let’s delve more into understanding one of the crucial by-products of Iron – Sponge Iron.

● Sponge Iron gets its name from its unique physical characteristics. It has hole marks on its surface.

● These hole marks emerge during the ‘natural reduction’ process where iron ore is warmed with carbon.

● The commercial name for this process is called Direct-Reduced Iron (DRI)

● Iron Ore and coal are the raw materials used in the DRI process.

● This method is adopted because it solves a lot of problems that were faced when using the traditional blast furnace method. The DRI process is also preferred since it uses less energy.

Sponge Iron – How Is It Made?

So we will quickly explain what is involved in the DRI process.

● First, iron ore lumps are placed with iron-coking coal in a kiln.

● Next, they are combusted in the presence of oxygen for 12 hours.

● Post which the products are air-cooled. The result is Sponge Iron as pellets that are initially stuck together but are later magnetically separated.

● Each sponge iron is screened based on size and then prepared for dispatch.

Sponge Iron – Where Is It Used?

Sponge Iron plant manufacturers in India use sponge iron as a substitute for scrap in induction and electrical furnaces. The reason for this is that melting scrap is expensive and also in short supply, so sponge iron is the perfect alternative when it comes to using it in the production of high-quality steel.
India is considered to be the second-largest manufacturer of sponge iron globally. This is due to the large production capacity of Sponge Iron Plant Manufacturers and the abundance of Iron Ore deposits in the country.

Sponge Iron Company In India – Sree Metaliks Limited

Sree Metaliks Limited is a leading manufacturer and supplier of construction materials in India. Incorporated in 1995, the brand quickly scaled and established plants in Loidapada and Anra, which are in proximity to its iron mines at Khanbandh, Odisha. The brand uses quality raw materials, international manufacturing standards, and advanced technology to produce all of its products. Sree Metaliks Limited works with experts to ensure that only top-quality products reach its large base of customers.

Sree Metaliks Limited produces Sponge Iron, Billets, TMT BarsPig IronPellets, and more. Thus covering most raw materials needed in the construction process. As a Sponge Iron Company in India, Sree Metaliks Limited produces high-quality sponge iron and is considered to be one of the largest Sponge Iron companies in India. The brand has made it its motto to offer all products at competitive and reasonable prices and that holds true for Sponge Iron as well.

An added benefit for this Sree Metaliks Limited as a sponge iron plant manufacturer is that it chooses the best quality raw materials sourced directly from its mines. Sree Metaliks Limited has also developed a novel technique. All waste gases generated from producing sponge iron are then reutilized in generating power. This makes the plants at Sree Metaliks Limited eco-
friendly and sustainable.

Read More:
Applications of Iron Ore Pellets

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